19 December 2007

A painful reminder of BIID

It has been quite some time since I wrote anything here. This is simply because I've not really had anything to say, truth be told. For quite a while I have been able to push my problems with eyesight to the back of my mind and just get on with all the other problems I have in life but of late this has, once again, become very difficult to do.

Part of the problem is that my headaches have returned. These always bring with them the issue of BIID because the headaches are focussed on and around my eyes. They feel like immense pressure on whatever the portion of the head denoted by the Sphenoid portion of the skull is called (is it called the same thing? I don't know) plus needle-like points of pain on the back of my eyes. Painkillers don't always work on this pain, so I just have to suffer through it.

I'm aware that the last time this pain was near-constant it was around the time that I was told that I'd lost part of my vision; specifically an area on the outside of what would be the lower left portion of my vision. I'm therefore wondering if I'm going to end up losing some more vision this time, or whether the pain will pass without whatever is causing it doing any more damage.

I'd love to know what's actually causing these pains because it has my doctors flummoxed. An MRI scan of my head showed no damage whatsoever and my optician said my eyes looked healthy, so the reason for the vision loss I've had must lie outside of the eye itself. It's probably an optic nerve thing or something similar, which might go some way to explaining the pain behind my eyes? Who knows (not me, that's for sure!)

I suppose the only thing for it, at this point at least, is to wait and see what happens next. I'll try to keep you all posted.

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